Setup ASDF

StoryPad uses asdf to manage versions for Flutter, Java, and Ruby. If you are using a different version manager, you can ignore this documentation & install the tools based on the versions specified in the .tool-versions file.

Follow the steps below to install the tools in the correct order.

I. Java (for Android)

To install Java using asdf, follow these steps:

asdf plugin add java
asdf install java openjdk-21

To verify the installation:

$ which java

$ java --version
openjdk 21 2023-09-19


If which java returns a different path than ~/.asdf/shims/java, ensure that you add $JAVA_HOME to your shell configuration. Refer to this guide for details on how to configure $JAVA_HOME.


II. Ruby (for IOS)

Ruby is used for manage CocoaPods dependency for IOS. To install Ruby using asdf, run the following:

asdf plugin add ruby
asdf install ruby 3.3.5

Verify the installation & install cocoapods:

$ which ruby

$ ruby --version
ruby 3.3.5 (2024-09-03 revision ef084cc8f4) [arm64-darwin23]

$ which gem

$ gem install cocoapods

III. Flutter

To install Flutter using asdf, run the following commands:

asdf plugin add flutter
asdf install flutter 3.29.0-stable

Additional Setup:

  • Install FlutterFire CLI (required for iOS crash symbol uploads):

    dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
  • Set FLUTTER_ROOT in your shell initial such as .zshrc (needed for Xcode scripts like firebase upload-crashlytics-symbols):

    export FLUTTER_ROOT="$(asdf where flutter)"

To verify the installation:

$ which flutter

$ flutter --version
Flutter 3.29.0 • channel stable •

$ flutter doctor


  1. Error: jq: command not found

    If you encounter the following error during installation:

    ~/.asdf/plugins/flutter/bin/install: line 25: jq: command not found

    Simply install jq using Homebrew:

    brew install jq

    Then, uninstall and reinstall Flutter:

    asdf uninstall flutter 3.29.0-stable
    asdf install flutter 3.29.0-stable
